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Take a break from daily life responsibilities and for a day and join this creative journey with Art therapy where "mark making" helps you to become mindful and reconnect with what matters in life. 

At your arrival, grab a cup of warm tea or coffee and take your place in the room. We will welcome you with fun warm-up exercises and we will guide you through your creative explorations with questions and interventions.A five hours long guided art making and discussion aims to help us freely express and "let go". As a group we will share our insights and learn from each other's journeys. Three art therapists from Singapore's La Salle, currently living all around the world, come together to make these artful sessions happen. Meet our studio space hosted by Coloured Canvas in Singapore here.

what is unique about this DAY 

"I came at this retreat after a painful accident in my life. I discovered a creative "me" that I can face my emotions and accept my imperfections without judgment and let go",

Danae, Oct 2017


June 2018

"The complex and varied aspects involved with providing care can strain even the most capable person. Feelings of overwhelm, agitation, anxiety, distress, pessimism, isolation, exhaustion and sometimes guilt for having those feelings can exact a heavy toll.", National Centre of caregiving.

Huma, one of our group art therapists, is also a devoted mother of a fabulous special kid. She is the inspiration for this group which aims to help parents and other(s) caregivers to find freedom of expression with the power of art making.


Saturday Jun 2 - 10h00 to 17h00 - Fee SGD 250 (incl. lunch)

Sunday Jun 3 - 10h00 to 17h00 - Fee SGD 250 (incl. lunch)

Antidote to a stressful life style

June 2018

Busy and stressful life styles fill us with worries. Worries about us, worries about our loved ones, worries about performance, worries about things we often cannot control. While using our energy to build defense systems and get protected from burdens, which may never come, we neglect to be present in the moment and mindful. Gradually, who we really are, where we want to be,  and how to get there, becomes blurred. 

A guided art therapy based day open to everyone to help us do exactly that. Reconnect with what matters in life!

Saturday Jun 9 - 10h00 to 17h00 - Fee SGD 250 (incl. lunch)

Sunday Jun 10 - 10h00 to 17h00 - Fee SGD 250 (incl. lunch)

Artful Retreats Coloured Canvas
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