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Art Fun

arts for health

Paper Abstract

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity", WHO

Engaging with the process of art making is a powerful task which helps calming the mind and relieving stress. Within a safe group, participants feel supported and encouraged to take risks, explore personal situations and express without judgment. Our approach is based on the principles of art therapy and use art therapy directives to help participants be creative, get in the flow, identify emotions and gain insights. 

In times where stress has reached epidemic levels, Promotion and Prevention in Mental health is as important as is for Physical health. Health is a Dynamic Process at its core and is about having the capacity to Self Manage physically, mentally and socially. People don't need to be ill to decide to take care of their mental health. Prevention for the mind is as important as is for the body.

Open Doors

Open to everyone!
Requires no prior skills in art making.

Art first became therapy in the 60's in the US. Kids with disabilities were the first audience of art therapy which quickly developed to a formal psychotherapy method also for adults. The first adults art therapy healed, were soldiers dealing with trauma, returning from the Vietnam War.
According to the Australian and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association (ANZATA), Art Therapy can help people resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage behaviour, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and achieve insight.  According to the British Association of Art Therapists, although influenced by psychoanalysis, art therapists have been inspired by theories such as attachment-based psychotherapy and have developed a broad range of client-centred approaches such as psycho-educational, mindfulness and mentalization-based treatments, compassion-focussed and cognitive analytic therapies, and socially engaged practice.


Paper Fold

Over 3,000 studies conducted the last 19 years show evidence that engagement and participation in Arts has a positive impact on mental health.
 Read the study here

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